Physiotherapy for Constipation

January 24, 2023
Avatar for Meredith PfohlMeredith Pfohl

Constipation refers to difficulty in passing bowel motions, with the bowel motions being hard and often painful to pass. Constipation isn’t defined simply by how frequently you open your bowels (i.e. how often you poo). There is a range of ‘normal’ poo frequencies, ranging from a couple of times per day to once every three days. As long as the poo is soft, easy to pass and you can fully empty your bowels, the frequency isn’t really that important. Conversely, if you are opening your bowels every day but passing hard, painful pebbles and not getting all of your poo out, then you may in fact be constipated.

Seeing a physio isn’t usually the first thing people think of when experiencing constipation, however physio’s trained in pelvic health are experts in bowel health too! Physio for constipation first involves determining what is contributing to your constipation. This might include dietary and hydration related factors, defecation dynamics (a very fancy term for how you position yourself to poo), missing the cues for your urge to poo (this is easily lost in kids and in people with chronic constipation), a lack of proper relaxation of the pelvic floor muscles and anal sphincters when trying to poo, or the presence of a bowel prolapse. Once we determine what is contributing to your constipation then we can put in place effective management strategies. This may include suggesting simple dietary modifications (or working with your dietician or nutritionist), teaching you good pooing ergonomics, re-learning the cues for needing to poo, re-training the correct pattern of muscle relaxation to allow the poo to pass easily, and supporting or managing any relevant bowel prolapse.

If you are experiencing constipation then see one of our experienced Women’s Health Physiotherapy clinicians for assistance in getting your bowels back to normal!