Lower Back Pain

March 6, 2023
Avatar for Meredith PfohlMeredith Pfohl

Lower back pain – we’ve all had it at some point in our lives! In fact, low back pain has an 80% point prevalence, meaning 80% of people will experience lower back pain at some point in their life. Sometimes an episode of lower back pain resolves quickly. For others it may take weeks or months to resolve, or become a longstanding or chronic condition. Sometimes lower back pain comes on with an obvious event – for example after heavy lifting or manual work, after sitting for a long time, or after being in an awkward position for a prolonged period of time. Other times lower back pain can come on gradually, or for no apparent reason at all.

There are many possible causes of lower back pain – almost too many to name! Sometimes the joints in the lower back become overloaded and inflamed. Sometimes the lumbar discs (the shock-absorbers between the vertebrae) are overloaded, inflamed or start to bulge and irritate or compress nearby structures such as the nerves. Sometimes our muscles aren’t strong enough to give the back adequate support. Sometimes our muscles are tight or overactive and don’t let the joints move the way they should. Sometimes our posture isn’t great, and we spend too much time slouching in one position irritating everything in the process!

Effective treatment of lower back pain first and foremost involves correctly identifying what is contributing to your pain. We will assess your movement patterns and range of movement, the way your joints move, your strength and muscle control, your technique, your posture and any specific tasks that are aggravating your symptoms. Once we have identified what is contributing to your pain, we can put in place targeted treatments to get optimal results. This might involve joint mobilisations, massage, strength or mobility exercises, technique correction and postural correction to name a few.

If you are experiencing lower back pain then book in to start your road to recovery today!