Neck Pain

March 6, 2023
Avatar for Meredith PfohlMeredith Pfohl

In our modern lives with so much time spent on screens, neck pain has become a very common occurrence! Neck pain often results when the muscles and joints in our neck become overloaded, inflamed or irritated. You may experience pain all the time, or only when trying to move your head and neck. Sometimes the pain can extended into the arms, upper back, shoulder blades or head, making usual day to day tasks painful and irritating.

There are many causes of neck pain. This may include trauma such as a car accident, knock to the head or sporting injury, sustained poor posture, overuse or weakness of the neck muscles, stiffness in the neck joints or compression of the nerves in the neck.

Effective management of neck pain requires a thorough assessment to determine what is contributing to your symptoms. This may involve assessing your neck range of movement, the motion of your neck joints, the length, strength and tone of your neck muscles, your posture and any specific tasks that aggravate your neck pain. Once a clear understanding of what is causing your neck pain has been established, we can put in place effective management strategies. This may involve joint glides, massage, posture correction, neural glides or strength and mobility exercises to name a few.

If you are suffering from neck pain then help is at hand. Our experienced Physiotherapists have all the tools to help you become pain free again.