
October 9, 2023
Avatar for Meredith PfohlMeredith Pfohl

Mastitis (sometimes referred to as blocked milk ducts) is a painful condition that many breastfeeding mothers experience. Mastitis occurs when part of the breast becomes inflamed or infected and can occur at any point in the mothers breastfeeding journey but is most common when establishing breastfeeding. Mastitis requires immediate treatment to restore breastfeeding and prevent worsening symptoms and possible complications such as breast abscess. Physiotherapy treatment for mastitis aims to improve drainage of the breast and can speed up resolution of mastitis symptoms. This may include lymphatic massage (a gentle form of massage that helps to clear the breast without traumatising the milk ducts), therapeutic ultrasound, taping and exercises to assist lymphatic drainage, advice regarding optimal positioning for feeding and strategies to prevent mastitis recurrence. If you are experiencing the symptoms of mastitis (breast pain, redness, tenderness, localised fullness or feeling generally unwell with or without a fever) then don’t delay – seek help immediately and get your breastfeeding journey back on track.