Plantar Fasciitis

May 2, 2024
Avatar for Meredith PfohlMeredith Pfohl
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Plantar fasciitis (more correctly know as plantar fasciopathy) is an irritation of the plantar fascia which causes pain in the heel and arch of the foot. Plantar fasciitis occurs when the plantar fascia becomes overloaded or irritated and can be related to poor foot biomechanics, weakness in the muscles that support the foot, ankle and arch, an increase in loads placed on the plantar fascia (e.g. an increase in walking, time spent on your foot or more dynamic exercises), or poor health leading to poor tissue quality. 

Plantar fasciitis is characterised by pain on the under side of the heel and sometimes into the arch which is aggravated by weight bearing and is typically worse first thing in the morning or after having been still for a while. The pain usually reduces when you are sitting or lying and not taking weight through the affected foot. 

Effective management of plantar fasciitis usually involves assessment and treatment of foot, ankle and lower limb biomechanics to make sure things are working effectively and efficiently. It also typically involves a loading program for the plantar fascia to stimulate recovery, as well as strength and mobility exercises for the foot, ankle and lower limb muscles. Taping may be used in the short to medium term to unload the plantar fascia and relieve pain, as well as massage and dry needling if required. Footwear may need to be reviewed and modified to make sure it is appropriate and contributing to your recovery rather than being part of the problem. 

If plantar heel pain is holding you back then book in with one of our experienced physiotherapists to get on the road to recovery!