Sever’s Disease

May 21, 2024
Avatar for Meredith PfohlMeredith Pfohl
Plantar Fasciitis
Plantar Fasciitis

Sever’s Disease is inflammation and irritation of the growth plate at the back of the heel bone (calcaneus) near where the Achilles Tendon attaches to the heel. It presents as pain localised to the back of the heel and is common in kids aged 8-14 years. Sever’s Disease occurs when the growth plate is exposed to excessive loads or repeated and excessive traction (pulling) forces from the Achilles Tendon and plantar fascia (the fibrous connective tissue that supports the arch of the foot). In kids, this growth plate is not yet fused so it is susceptible to irritation when exposed to these repeated or unaccustomed high loads and traction forces. This can occur during growth spurts, frequent or unaccustomed sports participation (particularly those including running) or associated with poor footwear or issues of foot and lower limb biomechanics that affect how efficiently loads are transmitted through the heel. 

Management of Sever’s Disease involves unloading the heel so that the growth plate can cope with the loads placed upon it. This usually involves activity modification, lengthening and strengthening of the supporting muscles, optimisation of footwear, correction of any foot and lower limb biomechanical issues and taping to help support the heel whilst rehab is underway. Physiotherapy is effective in managing Sever’s Disease and allows kids and teens to continue their physical activity participation whilst managing this condition.