Pelvic floor preparation for birth

January 10, 2023
Avatar for Meredith PfohlMeredith Pfohl
Pelvic Floor

Childbirth is an amazing process both physically and emotionally, and requires our bodies to work in ways that differ from our usual day to day function. If you are planning on having a vaginal delivery then consulting with a Physiotherapist trained in Women’s Health can assist you in preparing for childbirth to optimise your birthing experience and your post-partum recovery.

For pelvic floor birth preparation, we would typically recommend an initial review after the first trimester (i.e. after you are 12 weeks gestation). At this appointment we will collect all of the relevant information to establish your baseline and give us an idea of potential areas that need to be addressed during your pregnancy, or planned for post-partum. This would include looking at your pelvic floor function, checking your pelvic organ positioning and identifying any existing pelvic floor dysfunction (e.g. a history of pelvic pain or pre-existing incontinence, existing bowel issues etc). From this session we can advise you on what you need to be doing during your pregnancy to optimise your outcomes. This may include pelvic floor training (either strength, co-ordination and endurance training if your pelvic floor is deficient, or relaxation training if your pelvic floor is overactive), modifications to your general physical activity, or assistance with bowel health to name a few.

A second review is recommended at 35 weeks of gestation. At this appointment we perform a more detailed assessment of the pelvic floor and perineum to assess its readiness for a vaginal delivery (a surge in hormones from 32-36 weeks gestation means that the pelvic floor tissues change significantly at this time point in preparation for birth). We will look at the distensibility of the perineum during a bearing down action, as well as your ability to relax the pelvic floor during this bearing down action as these are both essential to assist with a vaginal delivery. We will also teach you effective perineal massage at this appointment to further assist with your preparation for a vaginal delivery. If any issues are identified, then these can be addressed and discussed with you and your obstetric care team to enable you to make an informed choice about your birthing preferences.

If you are planning a vaginal delivery, our physiotherapists trained in Women’s Health are here to help you prepare your pelvic floor for birth!