Achilles Tendinopathy

January 24, 2023
Avatar for Meredith PfohlMeredith Pfohl
Achilles tendinopathy (formerly Achilles tendinitis or Achilles tendinosis) refers to pain at the back of the ankle or heel due to pathology and dysfunction of the Achilles tendon. The pain is felt during use or stretch of the calf muscle and Achilles tendon. It is often worse after a period of inactivity (e.g. first thing in the morning or after getting up from sitting), and can ‘warm-up’ or get better during an activity but then be worse the next day.

Achilles tendinopathy is most common in people of middle age, and can be related to tendon overload or alterations in tendon quality.

Tendon overload occurs when the loads on the tendon are greater than its repair capacity. This can happen if there is a rapid increase in load (e.g. starting a new sport or physical activity), or if there is inadequate tendon recovery (e.g. not enough rest between exercises sessions). Tendon load can also be increased if there are suboptimal biomechanics (i.e. things not working and moving as efficiently as they should).

Alterations to tendon quality can be related to changes in hormonal status (e.g. peri and post menopause), medications (e.g. fluoroquinolones, glucocorticoids, and statins) or poor general health.

Treatment of Achilles tendinopathy involves optimising the loads on the tendon (enough to stimulate repair but not too much to perpetuate the overload), correcting any faulty biomechanics, and ensuring good overall tendon health and repair capacity. Tendon cells change fairly slowly compared to many of our other tissues so recovery from Achilles tendinopathy is a bit more on the slow side. Consistency with the right treatment program is key and patience is required!

If you are experiencing Achilles pain then our highly trained physiotherapists are here to help and set you on the right path!