Exercise during pregnancy

January 24, 2023
Avatar for Meredith PfohlMeredith Pfohl

Pregnancy is a time of great change for the mother’s body, and a time where Mum’s want to make sure they are doing the right thing for their unborn child. Regular physical activity is an essential part of a healthy pregnancy, with huge health benefits for both Mum and bub. The current guidelines for physical activity during pregnancy recommended 150 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity per week, including two strength sessions per week. This has been found to improve both maternal and fetal health, reduce the risk of gestational diabetes and improve birth outcomes.

So how does physical activity need to change during pregnancy to ensure it is safe for Mum and Bub? That depends on what stage of pregnancy you are at, how complicated your pregnancy is and your previous level of physical activity and fitness.

During the first trimester exercise can typically continue as usual (or be commenced!) with caution regarding overheating (avoid exercise in hot, humid conditions). Of course this is a time when Mum’s are often dealing with nausea, vomiting and fatigue, so do what you can within the energy that you have!

From around 20 weeks gestation exercises lying on your back should be avoided, and substituted for complimentary exercises in other positions. Lying on your back at this stage of pregnancy has been found to reduce the blood flow to the fetus which is not ideal.

In the second to third trimester as the abdomen distends (belly grows), changes should be made to abdominal exercises to maintain abdominal strength but avoid unnecessarily stressing or worsening abdominal separation. In these later stages of pregnancy, changes are also necessary to impact exercises (e.g. jumping and running) as well as heavy lifting to avoid overloading the pelvic floor or putting undue pressure on the pelvic organs.

If you have some pregnancy complications, then additional precautions may need to be implemented. We can work with your healthcare and delivery team to make sure that your exercise during pregnancy is tailored to optimise your pregnancy and birth outcomes without risk to you or your unborn child.

 If you would like assistance or advice on how to safely participate in physical activity during your pregnancy then our Women’s Health Physiotherapy clinicians are expertly positioned to help you!