Pregnancy related pelvic girdle pain

January 24, 2023
Avatar for Meredith PfohlMeredith Pfohl

Whilst pregnancy is often a joyous time, for some women it can be a down right pain! Many women will experience some from of lower back or pelvic girdle pain during their pregnancy. This pain may be felt in the lower back, buttocks, sacroiliac joint region or at the front of the pelvis at the pubic symphysis. It can be mild and intermittent, or intense and constant, or anything in between!

Pregnancy related pelvic girdle pain occurs for many reasons. It can be related to increasing ligament laxity associated with the hormonal changes experienced during pregnancy. It can be related to the changes in muscles function and weight distribution that occur as the baby grows. It can also be related to the increase in pain perception that occurs during pregnancy – making pregnant women prone to feeling more pain for less stimulus or input.

Pregnancy related pelvic girdle pain can often be well managed with physiotherapy. This may involve exercises to improve muscle function, stretches and massage to reduce excessive muscle tension, activity modification and review of day to day ergonomics, and the use of supports such as SIJ belts or Belly Bands to assist in providing additional stability or support if required.

If you are experiencing pregnancy related pelvic girdle pain then see one our experienced Women’s Health Physiotherapy clinicians today and we will help you get back to enjoying your pregnancy.