Recovery after childbirth

January 24, 2023
Avatar for Meredith PfohlMeredith Pfohl

Recovery after childbirth (post-partum or post-natal recovery) varies significantly from person to person and will be affected by the type of delivery you had, as well as your age, genetic factors and your overall health and fitness. Every woman walks this journey in her own time and reaches her own destination, so it is important to be kind to yourself during this period of great change and adjustment.

Two of the main areas we address during recovery following childbirth are abdominal separation/core control, and pelvic health.

It is recommended that all women have a review at six (6) weeks post-partum with a thorough assessment of their core and pelvic floor to guide optimal post-natal recovery. We don’t conduct internal vaginal exams before six weeks post-partum as the area where the placenta has detached from the uterus is considered to be an ‘open wound’ and poses an infection risk before this time.

During the post-partum assessment we will assess your abdominal separation and core function and prescribe you with tailored, home based exercises to facilitate your abdominal and core recovery. We will also assess your pelvic floor function and check your pelvic organ positioning and prescribe targeted exercises to facilitate your pelvic floor recovery (if required and safe). During this appointment we can also address any other concerns or issues you may be having, such as neck or back pain associated with feeding or ongoing pelvic gridle pain. We can also answer any of the other post-partum recovery questions you may have.

Enjoy the hazy new-born days, but don’t forget your six week check-up!