Post-partum Return to Sport & Physical Activity

January 24, 2023
Avatar for Meredith PfohlMeredith Pfohl

Pregnancy and childbirth are times of immense change for a woman’s body and can significantly impact how she engages in sport and physical activity. After birth, many women are left wondering how to safely return to sport and physical activity – the good news is we are here to help! Every woman’s return to sport and physical activity journey will be different. It will vary based on the type of delivery you have had (vaginal delivery, c-section, pelvic floor trauma, singleton vs multiples etc), your previous level of physical activity, genetic factors and your overall health and fitness.

In general, the first six weeks post-partum should be restful. Gentle walks within your tolerance are usually good, but in this time the body in undergoing an immense amount of natural healing and needs the opportunity to do so well to allow optimal recovery.

After six weeks post-partum, a graduated return to physical activity can usually be commenced. What this involves will depend on your stage of recovery, the presence or absence of ongoing abdominal separation, your pelvic floor function, the presence of any pelvic floor dysfunction (e.g. prolapse, incontinence etc), your current level of function, and of course your wants, needs and physical activity preferences. In general, recovery starts with gentle exercises that rebuild foundational strength in conjunction with low impact exercises that don’t put undue pressure on the recovering pelvic floor.

As recovery progresses, exercise intensity can be increased in line with your progress. Impact exercises and heavy weights are usually left until six months post-partum AND your core and pelvic floor function has been restored. In some women this timeframe may be safely reduced, whilst in others it may take longer.

In all Women, safe return to physical activity and sport is possible and desirable for long term health of both body and mind. It is our pleasure and privilege to help Women on this journey of safely returning to sport and physical activity without fear or injury.