Osgood-Schlatter disease is an irritation and inflammation of the tibial tubercle which is the bony part at the front of the shin (just below the knee cap) where the thigh muscle (quadriceps) attaches to the shin bone. It presents as pain at the top/front of the shin, just below the knee cap. Osgood-Schlatter’s is common …
Sever’s Disease is inflammation and irritation of the growth plate at the back of the heel bone (calcaneus) near where the Achilles Tendon attaches to the heel. It presents as pain localised to the back of the heel and is common in kids aged 8-14 years. Sever’s Disease occurs when the growth plate is exposed …
Plantar fasciitis (more correctly know as plantar fasciopathy) is an irritation of the plantar fascia which causes pain in the heel and arch of the foot. Plantar fasciitis occurs when the plantar fascia becomes overloaded or irritated and can be related to poor foot biomechanics, weakness in the muscles that support the foot, ankle and …
Mastitis (sometimes referred to as blocked milk ducts) is a painful condition that many breastfeeding mothers experience. Mastitis occurs when part of the breast becomes inflamed or infected and can occur at any point in the mothers breastfeeding journey but is most common when establishing breastfeeding. Mastitis requires immediate treatment to restore breastfeeding and prevent …
The meniscus are two crescent shaped structures located inside the knee joint and are made up of a special type of cartilage called fibrocartilage. Their job is to help absorb forces within the knee joint and assist in stabilising the knee. As a result, they undergo a lot of forces and tears in the meniscus …
‘Tennis elbow’ is the lay term for common wrist extensor tendinopathy, which is also known as lateral epicondylalgia or lateral epicondylitis. Tennis elbow refers to pain on the outside of the elbow which is usually aggravated by tasks that involve gripping, such as playing tennis, doing weights, or day to day tasks such as lifting …
In our modern lives with so much time spent on screens, neck pain has become a very common occurrence! Neck pain often results when the muscles and joints in our neck become overloaded, inflamed or irritated. You may experience pain all the time, or only when trying to move your head and neck. Sometimes the …
Lower back pain – we’ve all had it at some point in our lives! In fact, low back pain has an 80% point prevalence, meaning 80% of people will experience lower back pain at some point in their life. Sometimes an episode of lower back pain resolves quickly. For others it may take weeks or …
Patellofemoral pain syndrome is the technical name for kneecap related pain, which is usually felt as pain at the front of the knee. Patellofemoral pain syndrome occurs when the structures around the kneecap get overloaded and irritated. It may be caused by irritation of the rear surface of the knee cap itself, or compression of …
Shoulder pain is a common complaint and is often experienced by sports people, manual workers and the general population (especially as we age). This is partially due to fact that the shoulder joint relies heavily on its muscles (especially the rotator cuff) for stability and good function. These rotator cuff muscles are very small, and …
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